About Partybus
However, our primary customer group is in Copenhagen, where our brand is CPH: roskildebus.dk · partylimo.dk · moviebus.dk · bandbus.dk· cphbus.dk · cphpartybus.dk · cphlimousine.dk.
Our bus terminal is staffed 24 hours a day, and in special cases can be contacted outside general. opening hours. From here, all driving with party buses, VIP buses, tourist buses etc. takes place. There is also a preparation center, sales, customer service & administration.
High bus standards and safety are paramount, therefore we have no bus seats older than 2010, and all seats are primarily leather seats, so they can be easily cleaned and do not contain dust.
Almost all buses have free Wi-Fi in the Nordics (booked) have tables – a little cozier, automatic transmission – a little smoother driving,
1. at AV & amp; sound, 220 volts and much more.
The environment is on our mind, just as we want to support the fight for better air quality in the cities.
That is why we prioritize driving with particle/environmental filters on all buses. - thus we drive legally, also in inner Copenhagen.
Kim Lærkesen
Adm. Manager